Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Is Love ?

Happy ever after is what we all prefer. A life where we could be happy and live with no regrets. Happily married starting a life with kids. Let me start off saying that their is nothing wrong with people wanting to be in a happy relationship. Yes, it would be great to start a life young married with no worries, but there are things in relationships where too much emotions could cause stress. What if you find yourself loving that person and loving everything she or he does for you. Besides the things that your significant other do, but you can say that every time you see that person they just make you smile. Will you call that real love? What if the years start to grow and you find yourself not even loving that person anymore. It all start by your significant other changing or not even doing the things that they use to do. When you first meet the person, their just so romantic having you to fall for everything that they do. The romantic things go away, they just stop doing the things that made you smile. It could be the way that they were talking to you at first. Now everything is so aggressive making it seem like they are starting to control you. Then you find yourself saying that this is not the person that i meet. Start to question yourself are you ready for love? How do real love really feel ? How do you know if your really truly in love with someone? It’s just a lot of question that you start to ask yourself. Then once you're so truly deep into the relationship, Another person may come into your life. Lets just say its the dream girl or guy your always been wanting and they approaches you. Now remind you that you are in a relationship already. Then you really start asking yourself are you in love with this person or its just for the moment. Start to have mix feelings you are having to choose between two people. Your dream person that you have been wanting, or the person you have been spending most of your time with. One thing you should know is, just because a person looks good doesn’t mean their good for you. Many people make this same mistake going after something just because it looks good. This person may look good, but what can this person offer you. This person may not have a job just wanting to live and eat off of others. Which is sad how people will chose someone that look good over someone that is giving you their all. Willing to do anything for you, taking care of you, making you smile and handling their business. It's just a lot of things that comes with being in a relationship. So just don't jump into a relationship until you are for sure you are ready for one.  

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