Saturday, January 19, 2019

Knowing Yourself Is The Beginning Of All Wisdom

Image result for know yourself     Overthinking my pathway through life, when it comes down to finding the inner me. I'm lost, with my mind everywhere trying to figure out what is my purpose. I went from playing baseball, filming, and photography. I have been playing baseball my whole life. I started when I was at the age of ten. Even after college, I went to try out for a few independent baseball teams. Also, I reached out to a few teams overseas. I believe it's just a transition in my life where its time to do something new. Then I start to feel like it would be me giving up on my dreams. It's just so much I want to do, but I have to do things one at a time. My mind is so everywhere that's why I just go with the flow of life.
   College was one of the moments in my life where being lost really hit me. Once you cross that huge stage, A question pops up. "what am I going to do next ?" is what we ask ourselves.  I answered my own question like, "I don't know man, you have been playing baseball your whole life so why stop." My Life has been nothing but involved around baseball from me waking up to the time I close my eyes in bed. Many people tell me to become a coach, but that something I don't want to do. In my dreams, I can just see myself walking under the lights while my brother's records are playing as I make it to the pitcher's mound. Fans screaming my name those are the things I dreamed about. Traveling the world doing music and spending the love that I have for the people. I can live with that spreading love. Making music that people can relate to and can understand that they are not the only one feeling the pain. 
     I have a passion for Music, this year my music and my personal blogs are all I'm going to be focusing on. One question I know people may ask is " why do you love making music." It's just another way for me to express myself, the love and everything that comes with the music period. The fact that people would look at you as a big impact in today's society. My music is about love and hate, ways to make life better for those who are stressing while going through the struggles. I have been going through the struggle with finding myself, trying to figure out who am i. It seems with me writing and doing music letting my voice be heard to help others. Whether or not it's from relationship problems or from day to day things that I see within my life. I have been around music my whole life. It runs in the family bloodline. So maybe doing music and helping others is my calling. 
Image result for finding the inner you
           "Knowing Yourself Is The Beginning Of All Wisdom"

                               P.S: Music Coming Soon!


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