Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Take A Walk In My Shoes

The doubting, lack of support who can we count on? Where I'm from money and love is everything we lack. If you have seen what I've seen, then you'll understand where I'm coming from. Families go certain nights without eating sometimes. Talent going to waste with no role models spreading the love to encourage one another. It hurts me to see this, knowing that at one point in time this was me and my family in the same situation. Hungry eating Syrup sandwiches for dinner. Meanwhile, the mother is overworking herself with three jobs just to survive. it's not easy in life without money plus love.
My hood is the testimony for it, so I know people will agree with me. I have come from the bricks, known as the projects. Section 8 where private landlords rent apartments and homes at fair market rates to qualified low-income tenants. I would say that it is a good thing, but it's like your putting your living conditions into their hands. The government that we have now, may try to take that away from people at any moment.  I come from a single-parent household with my mother raising four kids on her own. My grandmother past away when I was at the age of one.  I salute my mother for staying strong and raising me into the man that I am today. This is where I come from.
I strive for a reason, I have no choice. I am the oldest child on both sides of my family. I have 3 little brothers and two little sisters looking up to me. I was raised to be the man and be the provider for the family. I work so hard to put the work in, but it's just like I have the devil on my back every time I take ten steps forward. I know I am not the only one that is going through this situation. Waking up seeing people robbed and others taking anything just because they want it.  The way the jail system works now days. Once you are convicted, it's like your life is just rolling you gutterballs. Selling drugs for a living just to make sure everyone eats inside the house. So as the females selling their body just to make sure their little ones eat. These are the things I see.  My neighborhood is counting and looking up to me to help change the community.  This is where I come from.
Music and sports are the only things we know will get us out of poverty. it's hard to get exposed to new things when you're around people that are simple-minded and haven't been exposed to much themselves.  People that have the opportunities to get away sometimes sacrifice their opportunities not wanting to leave family struggling. This is a heavy load that I am carrying on my shoulder, Just being the one with the opportunity to help and change the community and lives. There are so many families in my neighborhood who are counting on me. I can not let my community down. I have to show them there is another way out. It's so much that I come from, you wouldn't be able to walk a mile in my shoes.

Persevere Your Way To Success

You either can starve or you can survive. You have to learn how to go after the things that you want in life. If you think waiting for a ...