Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Next Level College Baseball


                              Next Level College Baseball 

“Starter Pitcher for your Lane College Dragons number 18 Malcolm Davis”, The Announcer said.  As I was walking up to the mound I started thinking about my younger days playing baseball. I have been playing baseball since the age of 10 and now I have become a starting pitcher for the Lane College Dragons. As I was growing up I always dream of going pro to the major league baseball. This is my senior year, my last year of college baseball where I have to shine. There was a point in my life where I thought I wasn't good enough to play. I just kept hearing the coach telling me that I wasn't ready to be in the starting line up. The sad part is, when my family came to the games I was never in the game. It hurt my heart having my family come to the games and never see their son play. I started stepping my game up and going the extra mile that others wouldn't go. Staying a little after workouts or hitting in the cage least every day. I just started pushing myself to become better at what I am doing. Started crafting my flow to become better. Now it's time for me to shine! I wanted to show those who didn't think I could be great enough to play college level baseball and those who didn’t believe in me. Thinking I will never have my time to shine. It's the first game of the season. I came into the game in the 3rd inning and the opponents in the 7th inning losing from a two-point lead. After the game coach walks up to me. He says “I like the way you were pitching today. How do you feel about becoming a starter for your Lane dragons?” Of course, i smiled and said “ Yes! I would love it!” so everything that people say I wouldn't be able to do. I let that motivate me to become better.  Now it's time for me to shine! Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do anything. Just have your mind on to anything you want. There are people that will try to knock you off your path. Stay focus and keep your eye on the praise. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pursuing Your Dreams

                                          Pursuing Your Dreams 

Wishing for a better life and wishing to reach your dreams is something that we all want to do. Staying focus and doing things you need to do to pursue your dreams. There are people in this world that don't want to see others succeed and have a great life. You can’t let others determine where you’re going to go in life. I know sometimes it get stressful and it cause pain, but that's what keeps you strong. Growing through the pain should motivate you, keep you to grinding so you won’t feel that pain again. Once you find out exactly what you want to achieve your goal. Sometimes you put so many obstacles in your own way that you forget why you wanted to start the damn thing to begin with. So you have to motivate yourself, people don't understand why your dreams and desires are important to you. If you have to put in overtime, staying overnight working on something that you care about even when it’s not making you money right now is ok. Sometimes you have to stop and think about reality because you only have one life. Live it to the max of your potential. You’re the only one that can make your dreams come true not others. So therefore nothing is unreachable. If it is needed change your surroundings, because it's sad to say you are who you hang around. If your around five people that don’t care for life. You will become the sixth person that don’t care about life. Now you’re around five successful people you will become the sixth person to become successful person out the group. Ask people that are successful in life and are living out there dreams. What were somethings they were going through, how they reached the point in their life, what kept them going. Asking those question could really help you in the long run.  I’m a photographer and my dreams are to travel the world taking pictures and giving the people what they want to see. I started looking at the big picture and started focusing on exactly what I wanted to achieve in life. Every morning waking up I tell myself to be great, stay positive and have faith. Only thing I can say is to become the person that you have always dream to become.  

Persevere Your Way To Success

You either can starve or you can survive. You have to learn how to go after the things that you want in life. If you think waiting for a ...